Do You Need Depression Treatment?
You might need depression treatment if you the following describes you right now. “I feel heavy.” “I feel empty.” “My world feels dark and is filled with dread and despair.” “It takes all my strength just to get through the day.” “I feel helpless and hopeless.” “I can't sleep,” or “I sleep too much.” “I don’t want to be around anyone. I prefer to be alone.” “I eat to feel better,” or “I’m not interested in food.” “I'm drinking more and more to get through the day.” “I can't concentrate, make decisions, or think clearly.” “I don't want to leave the house.” “I'm always crying.” “I don't know who I am anymore.” “I often think everyone would be better off if I were no longer here.” “I have attempted or have a plan for taking my life.” If this is you, depression has you in its miry pit and depression treatment can help.
King David of Israel described depression well. He said, “Answer me quickly, O Lord, my spirit fails; Do not hide Your face from me, or I will become like those who go down into the pit.” Depression is the spirit failing. It is like going down into a pit where there is no light, only gray shadows and blackness. It is a feeling of being abandoned, even by God. Depression makes you feel alone. But you are not.
Millions Of Americans Suffer From Depression
Depression can be caused by many factors. It can be caused by a change in brain chemistry. It can be caused by a change in hormones. It can be caused by genetics. It can be caused by a life experience. It can be caused by health issues. There are lots of reasons. But the most predominant reason for depression is the loss of human connection or the fear of that loss. Sadly, this is also the most devastating result of depression. Lost connection with important others causes us to naturally pull away from the very ones who could help us overcome our depression.
But whatever the reason for your depression, it is not unusual. It doesn’t matter who you are, people from all races, regions, religions, ages, genders, and careers experience signs of depression. It is estimated that fifteen percent of adults in America will experience depression at some point in their life. In an average year, 16.2 million adults in the US, seven percent of the population, will experience clinical depression. The percentage of those who experience mild and moderate depression is even higher. To use biblical language, depression is “common to man.”
Depression Treatment Offers Hope
The good news is that depression treatment is readily available. Traditionally, depression treatment has been a combination of medication (antidepressants) and talk-therapy…until now. A bombshell study review published in July or 2022 concludes that there is no clear evidence for the belief that depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain and treated by serotonin boosting antidepressants. (See our blog on this study: “Latest Study: Depression Not Caused By Chemical Imbalance”) So, at this time, drug therapy as a depression treatment is questionable while talk therapy stands alone as the best depression treatment.
A very successful evidence-based talk-therapy for depression treatment is Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), which is our therapy model at SoulCare Counseling. Since depression is often linked to relationship distress, Emotionally Focused Therapy helps you identify the unmet needs and deeper emotions that are driving your depression to help you move back into balance with self and others.
Power Of Connection In Depression Treatment
One of the major causes of depression is loss of connection. Depression is one of the symptoms of separation. Studies on depression reveal three facts: 1) depression can cause relationship distress, 2) relational distress can cause depression, 3) depression and relationship distress can reinforce each other. In other words, depression and relationship distress are intertwined. Out-of-control anxiety and high levels of depression are natural consequences of emotional separation and disconnection. When we feel disconnected from a primary relationship, our natural responses are loneliness, low self-worth, inadequacy, despair, fear, anxiety, hopelessness, and all such dark feelings that go with depression.
The gold standard therapy model for repairing and reconnecting is Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT). Whether EFT is used in couples counseling or individual counseling, it has been shown to be highly effective for depression treatment because EFT harnesses the power of human connection. Studies show that the strongest predictor of human happiness, above all else, is close connection. When we are closely connected to a primary attachment figure, our susceptibility to anxiety and depression is significantly lessened and we become more resilient against stress and trauma.
In a prominent behavioral study comparing varying therapy models used to alleviate depression, traditional methods such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) which confronted clients’ erroneous beliefs, were found to produce little to no change. In fact, not only did these therapy methods not alleviate depression symptoms, they even contributed to the continuation of the problem! However, deepening of emotion in EFT counseling sessions did produce change. Key EFT interventions such as the resolution of attachment injuries by a forgiveness and reconciliation procedure produced positive outcomes in alleviating depression. By reducing feelings of loneliness, not being valued by others, and low self-worth, Emotionally Focused Therapy helps clients regulate their emotions, including depression. As the attachment bond with self, others, and God is strengthened, depression weakens. This is powerful depression treatment, indeed.
Yes, But…
“If I focus on my depression, won’t that just increase it?”
While that can happen when you talk about your depression with family or friends, talking with a counselor is completely different. Working with a trained counselor about the needs, emotions, and disconnection driving your depression is how you come out of your depression. During depression treatment, your counselor will provide a safe place and strongly support you to break the negative cycle of depression and come back into balance.
“Going to therapy is admitting that something is wrong.”
Not at all. Depression is a real illness and humans get illnesses. It’s part of being human. Something would only be wrong if you didn’t face it and get the necessary help for it. Getting help is something that intelligent, wise, courageous people do. It’s just like going to a doctor when you have a physical illness. There’s no shame in seeking help. And once you do begin therapy, you will start discovering the things that are behind your depression; and once those things are brought into the open, you will be able to move into the light where your joy and self-confidence will increase.
“I don’t have time for weekly counseling sessions.”
That may be so, but the fact that you don’t think you have time to take care of yourself says a lot, and is probably behind some of the reasons you’re depressed. One day you think that you want to get better, and the next day you don’t think you’re worth the time and trouble to find happiness. Listen to the voice that says you are worthy. We find time for the things that are important. You are important. You matter, whether you feel it or not. Finding time for depression treatment is saying that you believe that your mental and emotional health (which can also affect your physical health and spiritual well-being) is important. You have learned how to find the time to do other important things for yourself – going to the store, going to the doctor, taking a vacation – now it’s time to find the time to take care of your mental and emotional health. You just have to decide that you matter enough to yourself and to others to find the joy, the peace, and the contentment of life again. With a little thought and planning, you can push away some of your distractions and stinking thinking that is keeping you from getting help.
Let Us Help
Whatever your schedule, we have counselors who want to help you overcome your depression and feel better again with depression treatment using Emotionally Focused Therapy. Don’t go through this alone. We are ready to support you and help you with help and hope. Start your journey toward the light.
If you would like to schedule a free thirty-minute consultation to see if Emotionally Focused Therapy as a depression treatment can help you, use the contact link, call or text 817-808-2606, or email info@soulcarecounselingdfw.com.