Big Questions After The Big Question
If you’ve just become engaged, congratulations. Marriage is one of the biggest steps you’ll ever take in your life. As soon as the question was popped and she answered “yes,” you both started imagining what your life together will be like. Yet in the back of your mind, there are some nagging questions: “Is this really the right person? Will the marriage last? Am I ready to be married? How will we afford this? Can we handle conflict? What about children? What about sex and family? What about church?” These are the big questions you ask after the big question.
Premarital Counseling For The Pre-wedding Jitters
It doesn’t matter how much you love one another, the fact is that every engaged couple has some lingering worries. That’s why there is such a thing as wedding jitters and premarital counseling to calm those jitters. There are no guarantees of marital bliss, otherwise marriage counselors like ours at SoulCare Counseling wouldn’t exist. But the good news is that there are some things you can do to be more prepared and empowered for a successful marriage. One is to get premarital counseling.
What Is Premarital Counseling?
Premarital counseling is preparation for marriage. It is an opportunity for you and your fiancée to address the critical issues that married couples typically face. No matter who you are or how much you love one another, there are some issues that you’re going to face at some point in marriage. You will have to deal with money and finances, in-laws, expectations, your roles as husband and wife, sex, children, family, handling conflict, and communication, to name a few. Premarital counseling will help you address these issues before you marry, so that you can go into your marriage with eyes wide open and some strategies in hand to move forward successfully.
M-Powered Premarital Counseling
SoulCare Counseling has written our own Bible-based, Christian premarital counseling curriculum, called “M-Powered.” It is certified by the state of Texas as part of the Two-gether in Texas initiative, and when completed, qualifies you for a discount on your marriage license. “M-Powered” consists of the state-required eight sessions led by a graduate student counselor or a pastoral counselor. Those sessions can be done weekly over the course of 8 weeks or broken up into two days where you meet with your counselor for 4 sessions each day. You can work out a plan with your counselor for how to complete the sessions in a way that works with your schedule.
Common worries about Premarital Counseling
“I’m afraid premarital counseling will reveal that we’re not compatible.”
There is no such thing as a perfectly compatible couple. You have some similarities, but you have differences too. Knowing your differences before you marry makes your marriage stronger from the start. One of the goals of premarital counseling is to bring your beliefs, ideas, approaches, opinions, etc. to light so that you can discuss them and avoid future conflicts.
“We already know everything about one another.”
If you already know everything about one another, then where is the adventure of discovery? Part of the joy of marriage is getting to know your partner even better and developing true intimacy. The very first thing that will happen in premarital counseling at SoulCare Counseling is that you will each answer a series of questions and then compare answers. You’ll be surprised at how much you don’t know and still have to discover about your fiancé.
“We can’t afford premarital counseling.”
Premarital counseling is an investment in your marriage. Studies have shown that couples who do premarital counseling have a thirty-one percent lower divorce rate than couples who did not do premarital counseling. Premarital counseling costs much less than a divorce. How much does it cost? Premarital counseling is the least expensive counseling that we do, about half of our regular rate. But regardless of the cost, you really cannot afford to not give your relationship the best possible start.
Take The Next Step
To find out more about M-Powered Premarital Counseling or to make an appointment, click the button below, or call or text us at 817-808-2606, or email info@soulcarecounselingdfw.com.